ON POINT Features
Harm Reduction Supplies
FREE supplies such as sterile syringes, cookers, cottons, wound care, tourniquets, and bio-hazard containers
Safe(r) Sex Supplies
FREE Condoms, lubricant, dental dams, industry support, play safe supplies
Training and Education
Overdose Prevention
FREE Naloxone (Narcan) & emergency use training. Safer use information and support.
Harm Reduction 101, Stigma and Barriers and How to Reduce Them, Patient/Client Engagement and Retention, Bridging the Gap Between Chaotic Use and Abstinence
About Us
HRCSD On Point is an all-encompassing forum for educating, supporting, empowering, and networking to spread the awareness of the importance of harm reduction and to reduce stigma. We aim to provide harm-reduction services ranging from syringe exchange, education, drug poisoning risk prevention and community referrals. HRCSD On Point uses evidence-based best practices to drive our programs and policies.

Our harm reduction coalition is composed of
health care providers, mental health clinicians, activists, students, members of the community and most importantly- consumers of harm reduction services.
On Point operates under a needs-based mobile distribution model that brings services directly to individuals. This model eliminates geographic and temporal barriers, as staff and volunteers can reach parts of San Diego County that would otherwise have no harm reduction programs. On Point provides both home visits and street outreach to maximize the availability of harm reduction services.
A Message from Tara
Supervisor Nathan Fletcher Honors Tara Buesig & HRCSD
5565 Grossmont Center Drive
Building 1, Suite 214
La Mesa, CA 91942
1(888) NARCAN-0